sabato, dicembre 02, 2006

Ancora abbreviazioni

Ancora abbreviazioni, ma stavolta tipicamente italiane - no english translation possible, sorry!

  1. Cos'è OBS? - è obs (obsoleto, vecchio) ciò che è già apparso sul forum, e/o non è apparso ma tutte le mailing list del pianeta ne sono già state inondate (esempio: se è comparsa su bastardidentro, chi la posta merita solo disprezzo).
  2. Utilizzo dei punti MOD - i punti si danno ai post perché si ritiene che mandarli in homepage migliori la qualità media della stessa; non si danno per stima o per simpatia o per esprimere accordo con quanto scritto.
  3. Sei MOD e hai dato un punto? - collegato a quanto sopra: hai dato il punticino a un post? bene, avrai avuto i tuoi motivi. ma TIENITELI PER TE. i po@@@ni all'autore faglieli in privato, in pubblico destano solo imbarazzo negli astanti.
  4. LOL ROTFL ASAP ma che è, siete una tribu di andicappati? - Questi sono acronimi ormai standard nel simpatico mondo dell'internet.
  5. Mi sto beccando un sacco di insulti solo per il fatto che ho "fork()ato" una discussione, sigh! – porc@@io che imbecille, addio
  6. Cosa vuol dire ESR? - ESR è un acronimo che starebbe per "E Si Rosica".
  7. e QCQ? Non ci dormo la notte! - QCQ non è altro che "Quoto Ca@@o, Quoto!": scrivere ciò permette di far risparmiare tempo prezioso a chi vuole far sapere che è d'accordo con ciò che ha scritto qualcun altro prima di lui.
  8. Cos'è l'umorismo Caccaculo? - E' l'ilarità che scaturisce da battute/barzellette/ecc che possono contenere uno o più dei seguenti argomenti: cacca, culo, scureggie e, più in generale, fluidi corporei.
  9. Perche c'è gente che è felice di sguararsi il culo? - Sguararsi il culo (o altre parti del corpo) è in apparente contraddizione con la definizione classica del termine "sguarare": quest'azione esprime il massimo del divertimento e della goduria.
  10. Qualcuno ha postato un'immagine ma non capisco cosa vuol dire! - Molto probabilmente oltre all'immagine l'utente ha specificato un ALT o un TITLE (= un testo descrittivo dell'immagine) che completa il significato del post: per vederlo basta che fermi il cursore del mouse sull'immagine per circa un paio di secondi.
  11. Mi sono appena registrato e nel mio profilo c'è gente che mi insulta senza prima tentare di conoscermi! Ma fate delle discriminazioni di qualche tipo?! - L'insulto al nuovo arrivato è una simpatica pratica che va presa come pura dimostrazione di capacita denigratoria. Un po' come in Monkey Island, ma più cattivo. Inoltre è una prima forma di test per ponderare se il nuovo arrivato è adatto.
  12. Ho fatto una battuta e subito dopo hanno scritto KILL, aiuto ho paura! - Non ti preoccupare: l'operazione di KILL non è fisica, ma telematica: fra le svariate opzioni del forum ne è stata implementata una che permette ad ogni utente di oscurare i post di qualsiasi altro utente. Questa operazione è utile nel caso un utente Ti sia molto antipatico oppure sia troppo prolisso, ecc ecc. Tirando le somme: la tua battuta faceva probabilmente cagare.
  13. Sono sicuro di aver scritto "Sono stata formata dalla convivenza con un uomo duro." non "sono stata infornata di uno sfilatone di carne duro"!! E' un errore del forum? - No, E' un'usanza divertentissima, e si chiama dirtyquoting, citazione sporca in pratica..
  14. Ho postato una cosa fighissima, nuovissima, ma gente ha affossato il thread e sono comparse immagini di donne dai seni abbondanti - Evidentemente non era poi così nuova la notizia. Per scherno la roba vecchia viene irrorata di tette per "salvare" il thread, oppure si inseriscono immagini che molto sottilmente rimandano all'antichità, sottolineando l'obsolescenza del tutto.
  15. Pwnd?! Vi si incastrano sistematicamente le dita nella tastiera? - "Il verbo "to pwn" (passato: pwned, pwnd, pwn'd, pwnt, pooned), usato nella cultura del gioco in internet, significa battere o dominare un opponente. Originario probabilmente da un errore di battitura, deriva dal verbo "own", dominare appunto, è usato ormai da moltissimi web surfer. Il termine è ormai talmente popolare da venire usato anche in ambienti fuori dal gioco online."
  16. Mi hanno appena risposto "è verde!", non capisco... - Ecco direi che è questo il problema. Il riferimento è ad una famosa gag del popolare fumetto Ratman di Ortolani.

courtesy of Abietto, © Leo Ortolani



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venerdì, dicembre 01, 2006

Connessione SFTP con SmoothWall (Smoothie)

Il mio nuovo firewall - Smoothie - è una vecchia macchina (PII 300 - HD13GB - 225Kb RAM) dove ho intallato SmoothWall Express 2.0 sta funzionando veramente bene.

Visto che Smoothie dopo 4 giorni di lavoro ininterrotto, 7GB di traffico transitati, e web proxy per 5 PC continua a funzionare perfettamente senza fare una piega, mi sono guardato intorno per approfondire il tema degli "add on

Ho scoperto che ci ci sono molti add on - detti anche mod - per questo software: un sito molto interessante - oltre il forum vero e proprio del sito ufficiale - è quello, però la mia difficoltà era di capire come si facesse materialmente a uploadare i files necessari sul server.

Era una cosa evidentemente così facile che non ho troato nessuno che pubblicasse una chiara FAQ sull'argomento, e quindi ho dovuto battagliare un pò prima di quadagnare l'accesso SFTP a smoothie.

Ho deciso quindi di pubblicare una mini FAQ sull'argomento.


___ FAQ: connettersi ad un firewall SmoothWall via SFTP ___

Prima di tutto occorre attivare il supporto SSH: connettersi a Smoothie ->services -> remote access, spuntare SSH e confermare.

Smoothie web admin screenshot




Poi scaricare PuTTY, un software free, ed installarlo: ci si troverà di fronte a questa schermata, occorre sostituire il numero di IP privato - in questo caso - con l'IP della vostra scheda rossa, inserire la porta 222, utilizzare l'utente root e la sua password, e cliccare su "login":

PuTTY - connection settings


La prima volta che vi connettete può apparire un avviso di protezione per il certificato: accettarlo comunque e proseguire.


Fatto! Ecco la schermata classica per lo scambio dei files:
PuTTY - file exchange page


A questo punto si possono trasferire i files per i moduli supplementari, che andranno nella cartella temporanea. 

Terminata la sessione disconnettersi e salvarla: così sarà molto più semplice la volta prossima.


Ed a questo punto, se non ci sono altre esigenze, disattiviamo anche SSH sul firewall smoothwall mediante l'interfaccia web:

Smoothie web admin screenshot


___ FINE FAQ: connettersi ad un firewall SmoothWall via SFTP ___

Bastian contrario

Gli acronimi, che bella invenzione... insostituibili, nel linguaggio tecnico - a volte inspiegabili - non nel senso che è impossibile spiegarli, ma proprio nel senso di "non da spiegare", a volte viceversa spiegabilissimi.

Prendiamo ad esempio il termine "SQL commmand": spiegabilissimo, cestamente, un comando dello stuctured query language: però, se non si è mai usato il linguaggio SQL, se non si è mai lanciata una query, impossibile far capire esattamente cosa significa: confondereste invano le idee.

Gli americani hanno una bellissima frase "if you have to ask [the price], you cann't afford it" (se devi domandare quanto costa, vuol dire che non puoi permettertelo): certe cose valgono anche per i termini tecnici.

Ricordo F., carissimo amico, laureato in matematica, ricercatore presso un osservatorio astronomico, a cui una volta chiedemmo di spiegarci il significato di una importante scoperta  astrofisica: avevamo letto la notizia della scoperta sul giornate, e non era per nulla chiara.

F. dette a malapena una sbirciata al giornale, mormoro fra se "ah, si.." come chi vede una cosa normale, e ci dette la sua spiegazione, cercando di usare termini semplici.

Abbi pazienza, F. - esordì timidamente il più spigliato di noi - ma non ho capito bene - e F. di nuovo a cercare di spiegare, tentando disperatamente di usare termini ancor più semplici, e noi a capirci sempre di meno...

Sinchè- coraggiosamente ed un pò vigliaccamente - lo ringraziammo per la spiegazione - grazie, F.- non abbiamo capito alla perfezione, ma adesso è un pò più chiaro...

Bugia! Avevamo le idee confuse come prima, l'unica cosa che avevamo ottenuto era la consapevolezza che quella era una cosa da lasciare agli addetti ai lavori.

E così è per gli acronimi: qualcuno è spiegabile, gli altri - penso ad ACL, OO, PPoE, DDE, ADO, PCODE, DRM,  sarebbe meglio che ci fossero cortesemente risparmiati

Però, visto che purtoppo gli acronimi sono inevitabili e che sono un mondo in continua evoluzione periodicamente ne metterò una lista nei miei post (mi serve anche e soprattutto per mia memoria).



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Abbreviazioni & acronimi Internet


AuthXML Allows the exchange of data related to security between organizations, using XML.
Base64 The base 64 encoding system encodes 3 bytes in 4 for each byte which contains 6 significant bits.This program allows the conversion to find out the original file.
BizTalk XML framework for exchanging data between applications and commercial entities. Registered on the site
BPML Business Process Modeling Language. A company is using bpml to exchange process with its partners.
BTP Business Transaction Protocol
C# C Sharp / C and C++ as simple as VB or Java
CDF Channel Definition Format - Web / XML. Allows the authors to broadcast their publication on Internet. Microsoft ®
CGI Common Gateway Interface
CXML Commerce Extensible Markup Language
DIME Direct Internet Message Encapsulation. Allows binary message encapsulation.
DOM Document Access Model - API which allows the manipulation of documents.
DSML Directory Services Markup Language. Based on XML. describes and allow the exchange of data related to persons using the content of LDAP.
DTD Document Type Documentation
This declaration is made in the prolog of an XML in order to describe the structure of the rest of the document in terms of how
the elements and attributes relate to each other. It is the predecessor to the more structured XML schema.
ebXML ebXML. Electronic Business / Messaging Services. Allows the exchange of data on SMTP and HTTP protocoles. Header is written in XML.
HDML Handheld Device Markup Language. Displays hypertext on mobile devices.
HTML Hypertext Transfer Markup lLanguage
HTTP-R Hypertext Transfer Protocol-Reliable.
ICE Information Content Exchange Protocol. Using XML, defined the role of registered users on Internet.
JAVASCRIPT JavaScript is a compact, object-based scripting language for developing client and server Internet applications.
OAGIS Open Applications Group Integration Specification. Describes the exchange of process-DTD messages - using XML betwenn partners
OBI Open Buying on the Internet Standardization of the purchase management steps on the internet.
PERL Practical Extraction and Report Language - Scripting language, runs on the server and can create dynamic pages via the CGI.
P3P Platform for Privacy Preferences
RDF Resource Description Framework - Provides a way to create and shre the necessary data describing the web resources.
S2ML Security Services Markup Language. Manage the security for authentication, authorization, access using XML.
SAX Simple API for XML - XML parser. Send back the element of a document while reading - Opposite to DOM analyser.
SERVLET Servlet technology provides web developers with a simple, consistent mechanism for extending the functionality of a web server and for accessing existing business systems.Servlets provide a component-based, platform-independent method for building web-based applications, without the performance limitations of CGI programs. And unlike proprietary server extension mechanisms servlets are server- and platform-independent. JSP technology is an extension of the servlet technology created to support authoring of HTML and XML pages. It makes it easier to combine fixed or static template data with dynamic content.
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language
SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language. Integrate multimedia independant objects in the same presentation.
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol.Request remote object in an XML message via HTTP.The answer is an XML structure as well.
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics. Description language in XML for graphics in two dimensions.
UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration. Provides data on the author, category, technical means used to request web services developed and published by companies.
UIML User Interface Markup Language. Universal language which designs graphical elements, as list OS dependancy.
VML Vector Markup Language. Code graphical vectors, and add tags which describes the way the information are displaid.
XKMS XML Key Management Specification. Allows the integration of authentication services, digital signature, encryption, without using PKI. The relationship between third parties is ensure by Servers accessed via XML transactions.
Xlink XML Linking language. Language which inserts description of object link in an XML document.
XML is used to look at the data without the program that produced it.
XML is a set of rules, guidelines, conventions, for designing text format for such data, in a way that produces files that are easy to generate and read and prevent platform-dependency. XML uses the tags only to delimit pieces of data, and leaves the interpretation of the data completely to the application that reads it.
XML files are nearly always larger than comparable binary formats.
SGML was the preceding language used before XML.
XML-RPC Extensible Markup Language Remote Procedure Call. Call request of a remote application via HTTP and using XML.
XP XML Protocol. Allows to remote application to interact via HTTP.
XPath Request language for database - data are not updated. Norm W3C - language which allows the access to an element of an XML tree
XHTML eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language. HTML4 in XML.
Xpointer XML Pointer. Designed a doc. or element into a doc. An element designed with Xpointer is accessible via Xpath.
XSL is a language for expressing stylesheets.
XPath, an expression language used by XSLT to access or refer to parts of an XML document.
An XSL stylesheet specifies the presentation of a class of XML documents by describing how an instance of the class is transformed into an XML document that uses the formatting vocabulary.
XPath is a language for addressing parts of an XML document, designed to be used by both XSLT and XPointer.
XSL is built with XSL-FO.
XSL-FO Extensible Stylesheet Language - Formatting Objects. Words which gives a style toan XML or XSLT doc.
XSLT XML Stylesheet Language Transformation
XUL eXtensible User Interface Language. Language based on XML which describes the componant of a user interface.
WebDAV Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning. Extensions of the HTTP 1.1 protocol. Locking and management of versions of document of remote web servers. Data are described in XML.
WML Wireless Markup Language. Description language based on an XML syntax, and broadcast data on WAP terminals.
WSDL Web Services Description Language. Signature of a componant using XML. Provides parameters, input/output, network address.
Xlang Process describes in XML, used by Biztalk®



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giovedì, novembre 30, 2006

Tech aconyms


A-to-A Application to Application.

AAA Authentication, Authorization, Accounting

AAL ATM Adaptation Layer

AAR Automatic Alternative Routing

AARP Apple Talk Address Resolution

AAS Automatic Announcement Subsystem Telecomms

AAUI Apple ® Attachment Unit Interface

ABC Automatic Broadcast Controller – HP Ò

ABIOS Advanced Basic Input Output System

ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode

ABR Area Border Router

ABR Automatic Beacon Resolution - Bay Networks ® / Nortel ®

ABR Available Bit Rate

AC Alternating Current

ACD Automatic Call Distribution


ACE Access Control Entry

ACELP Agelbraic Code-Excited Linear Predictive

ACK Acknowledge

ACL Access Control List

ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface

ACQ Acquittement
ACR Allowed Cell Rate – ATM

ACR Attenuation Crosstalk Ratio

ACS Adjacent Channel Suppression - GSM

ACSE Association Control Service Element

ACSE A/C Set Error

ACT Absolute Congestion Threshold

ACTLU Activate Logical Unit

ACTPU Activate Physical Unit

ACU Automatic Calling Unit

AD Administrative Domain

ADCCP Advanced Data Communications Control Protocol
ADM Add Drop Multiplexer
ADMD Administration Management Domain - X.400
ADO ActiveX Data Objects

ADPCM Voice Compression Method : Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation

ADR Advanced Digital Recording

ADS Artwork Delivery System

ADSI Active Directory Service Interface

ADSL Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line

ADSU ATM Data Service Unit

ADWARE Advertising Supported Software

AEP Advanced Encryption Standard

AES Advanced Encryption Standard

AF Alternate Frequencies - RDS

AFC Antiferromagnetically-Coupled - IBM ®

AFI AppleTalk ™ Filtering Interface.

AFI Authority Frame Identifier


AGNS AT&T® Global Network Services

AGP Accelerated Graphics Port

AH Authentication Header

AHIP Authentication Header IP

AI Artificial Intelligence

AIFF Audio Interchange File Format

AIN Advanced Intelligent Network - Telephony

AIP ATM Interface Processor - Cisco ®

AIS Alarm Indication Signal - ATM

AIT Advanced Intelligent Tape - Sony®

AIX Advanced Interactive eXecutive - IBM ®

ALAP AppleTalk ™ Link Access Protocol

ALB Advanced Lithium Battery - Toshiba ®

ALB Advanced Low Voltage BicMOS Electronic Component

ALC Arithmetic Logic Circuit

ALGOL ALGOrithmic Language

ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit

AM Amplitude Modulation

AMD Active Matrix Display

AMD Advanced Micro Devices ®

AME Advanced Metal Evaporated

AMI Alternate Mark Inversion - ATM

AMI American Megatrends Inc. ® - Bios Manufacturer

AMP Active Monitor Present - Token-Ring

AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service

AMR Adaptive Multi-Rate – GSM


ANI Automatic Number Identification

ANR Automatic Network Routing

ANSI American National Standard Institute

AOCC Advice of Charge Charging - GSM

AOCI Advice of Charge Information - GSM

AO/DI Always On / Dynamic ISDN

AOL America On Line Ò

AOT Asynch Passthru Over TCP - Nortel ®

APA All Points Addressable

APC American Power Conversion â

APE All-Paths Explorer

API Application Programming Interface

APIPA Automatic Private IP Addressing

APL A Programming Language

APM Advanced Power Management

APPC Advanced Program-to-Program Communications – IBM Ò

APPI Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking

APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking – IBM Ò

APS Advanced Photo System

APS Advanced Planning and Scheduling

APS Automatic Protection Switching - Sonet

AR Address Register - CPU

ARB Adapter Request Block

ARB Adaptive Rate Based -congestion control

ARCnet Attached Resource Computer Network

ARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel

ARIB Association of Radio Industry Businesses

ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated

ARJ Archive Robert Jung

ARL Adjusted Ring Lengths

ARM Asynchronous Response Mode

ARP Address Resolution Protocol

ARPANET Advanced Research Project Agency Network

AS Autonomous System

ASBR Autonomous System Boundary / Border Router

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASE Adaptive Server Enterprise - Sybase ®

ASF Advanced Streaming Format

ASI Adapter Support Interface

ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuits

ASK Amplitude-Shift Keying

ASMP ASymmetric MultiProcessing

ASN Abstract Syntax Notation - ISO 8824

ASP Active Server Page - Microsoft ®

ASP Application Service Provider

ASPI Advanced SCSI Programming Interface

ASR Automated System Recovery - Microsoft ®

ASVD Analog Simultaneous Voice and Data


ATA Advanced Technology Attachment

ATAPI AT Attachment Packet Interface

ATD Asynchronous Time Division

ATDM Asynchronous Time-Division Multiplexing

ATDP ATtention Dial Tone

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode

ATM Adobe Ò Type Manager

ATM Automatic Teller Machine

ATMDXI ATM Data Exchange Interface

ATP AppleTalk ™ Transaction Protocol

AT&T American Telephone and Telegraph Company ®

AUC AUthentication Centre - GSM

AUI Attachment Unit Interface

AURP Apple-Talk Update based Routing Protocol

AUX Auxiliary

A/V Audio / Video

AVD Alternating Voice and Data

AVI Audio Video Interleaved – Microsoft Ò

AVM ATM Voice Multiplexer

AVSR Audio Video Speech Recognition - Intel®

AVVID Architecture for Voice, Video, and Integrated Data - Cisco ®

AWG American Wire Gauge


BACP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol

BAIC Barring of All Incoming Calls

BALUN Balanced Unbalanced

BAN Boundary Access Node

BAOC Barring of All Outgoing Calls

BAP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol

BAS Broadband Access Server

BASH Bourne-Again SHell - Unix

BASIC Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

BAT Batch file

BBN Bolt Beranek And Newman Ò

BBS Bulletin Board System

BCC Blind Carbon Copy

BCC Broadcast Call Control

BCCH Broadcast Control CHannel

BCD Binary Coded Decimal

BCP Bridging Control Protocol

BCS B channel Circuit Switched

BCU Bus-Control Unit

BCVT Basic Class Virtual Terminal - OSI

BDC Backup Domain Controller

BDCS Broadband Digital Cross-Connect System - SONET


BECN Backward Explicit Congestion Notification

BER Basic Encoding Rule

BERT Bit Error Rate Test

BES Best Effort Service - IETF

BG Border Gateway

BGP Border Gateway Protocol

BI Business Intelligence

BIA Burned-In-Address

BIC-Roam Barring of Incoming Calls

BICI Broadband Inter - Carrier Interface

BIFS Binary Format for Scenes - MPEG-4 language

BIGA Bus Interface Gate Array - Cisco ®

BIND Berkeley Internet Name Domain

BIOD Block Input / Output Daemon

BIOS Basic Input / Output System

BIP Bit Interleaved Parity - ATM

BIR Burst Information Rate

BIT Binary Digit

BIU Bus Interface Unit

BLOB Binary Large OBject

BLSR Bidirectional Line Switch Ring - SONET

BML Business Management Layer

BMP BitMap - File System

BMT Bean Managed Transactions

BNC Bayonet Neil Concelman Connector

BNI Broadband Network Interface

BNM Broadband Network Module

BNN Boundary Network Node

BOIC Barring of Outgoing International Calls

BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol

BOP Bit Oriented Protocol

BPP Bidirectional Parallel Port

BOT Binary Synchronous Communication

“BOTS” Knowledge Robots

BPDU Bridge Spanning Tree Protocol - Bridge Protocol Data Unit

BPML Business Process Modeling Language

BPP Bidirectional Parallel Port

BPR Business Process Reengineering

BPS Bit Per Second

BPSK Binary Phase-Shift Key

BPV Bipolar Violation

BRI Basic Rate Interface

BSC Base Station Controller

BSC Binary Synchronous Communication

BSD Berkeley Software Distribution Unix

BSN Backward Sequence Number

BT British Telecom

BT Burst Tolerance - ATM

BTP Business Transaction Protocol

BTS Base Transceiver Station

BTU Basic Transmission Unit - SNA™

BVCT Basic Class Virtual Terminal - OSI

BVI Bridge Virtual Interface

B2B Business-to-Business

B2C Business-to-Consumer

B2E Business-to-Employee

BVCT Basic Class Virtual Terminal - OSI

BYTE Binary Term / Binary Digit


CA Certificate Authority

CAC Connection Admission Control - ATM

CAD Computer-Aided Design

CAE Computer Aided Engineering

CAL Client Access License

CAM Channel Access Method

CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing

CAM Controlled Attachment Module

CAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logical

CAP Carrier Amplitude Phase modulation

CAR Committed Access Rate

CAPI Cryptographic Application Program Interface

CARP Cache Array Routing Protocol

CAS Certification Authorities eg. Verisign ®

CAS Channel Associated Signaling

CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering

CATV Community Antenna Television

CAU Controlled Access Unit

CBAC Context Based Access Control - Cisco Ò

CBC Cipher Block Chaining

CBDS Connectionless Broadband Data Service

CBPDU Configuration Bridge Protocol Data Units.

CBR Constant Bit Rate

CBWFQ Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing – Cisco Ò

CC Call Control

CC Carbon Copy

CC Country Code - GSM

CCBS Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber

CCC Clear Coded Channel

CCD Couple Charged Device

CCE Configuration Control Elements

CCCH Common Control Channel - GSM

Cci Carbon Copy Invisible

CCIE Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert – Cisco Ò

CCIS Common Channel Interoffice Signaling

CCITT Consultative Committee on International Telegraphy and Telephones

CCMP CBC - MAC Protocol

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate - Cisco ®

CCP Compression Control Protocol

CCS Cascading Style Sheet

CCS Common Channel Signaling

ccTLD Country Code Top Level Domain

CCU Channel Codec Unit - GPRS

CD Call Deflection

CD Carrier Detect

CD Compact Disc

CDDA Compact Disc Digital Audio

CDDI Copper Distributed Data Interface

CDF Channel Definition Format

CDFS Compact Disc File System

CD-I Compact Disc - Interactive

CDMA Cellular Division Multiple Access

CDP Control Distribution Print

CDP Cisco Discovery Protocol - Cisco ®

CD-R Compact Disc – Recordable

CDRM Cross Domain Resource Manager

CD-ROM Compact Disc-Read-Only Memory

CD-RW Compact Disc - Read Write

VD-V CD Video

CDV Cell Delay Variation

CDV Compressed Digital Video / Compact Disc Video

CDVT Cell Delay Variation Tolerance - ATM

CDWFQ Called Distributed Weighted Fair Queuing - Cisco ®

CD-WO Compact Disc - Write Once

CD-WORM Compact Disc - Write Once Read Many

CD-XA Compact Disc eXtended Architecture

CEI Connection Endpoint Identifier

CELP Code Excited Linear Prediction

CEP Certificate Enrollment Protocol - Cisco ®

CEPS Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Visa Europay ®

CER Cell Error Ratio

CERT Computer Emergency Response Team

CES Circuit Emulation Service - ATM

CFB Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Busy - GSM

CFML ColdFusion Markup Language

CFNRC Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Not Reachable - GSM

CFU Call Forwarding Unconditional - GSM

CGA Color Graphics Array – IBM Ò

CGI Common Gateway Interface

CGM Computer Graphics Metafile - File System

CH C-Shell

CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

Chgrp Change Group -Unix

Chmod Change Mode - Unix

Chown Change Owner - Unix

CHV Card Holder Verification

CHS Cylinder Head Sector

CICS Customer Information Control System

CID Certified Id

CID Caller Identification

CID Channel ID - ATM

CIDR Classless Inter Domain Routing

CIFS Common Internet File System

CIM Common Information Model

CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing

CIP Channel Interface Processor - Cisco ®

CIR Carrier to Interference Radio - GSM

CIR Committed Information Rate - comment

CIS Contact Image Sensor

CISC Complex Instruction Set Computing

CISCO San Francisco – 1984

CIVR Computer and Interactive Voice Response

CIX Commercial Internet eXchange

CLEC Competitive Local Exchange Carrier

CLI Caller Line Identification

CLI Command Line Interface

CLID Calling Line Identification

CLIE Communication, Link, Information and Entertainment - Sony ®

CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation

CLIR Calling Line Identification Restriction

CLNP Connectionless Network Protocol - OSI

CLNS Connectionless Network Service

CLOS Class Of Service.

CLP Cell Loss Priority

CLR Certificate Revocation List - Cisco ®

CLSI Cisco Link Services Interface - Cisco ®

CLTP Connectionless Transport Protocol - OSI

CMIP Common Management Interface Protocol

CMIS Common Management Information Services

CMNS Connection-Mode Network Service

CMOL CMIP Over Link Layer

CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor


CMP Container Managed Persistence

CMPT Common Management Information and Services Protocol over TCP

CMS Conversational Monitor System – IBM Ò

CMT Container Managed Transactions

CMT Common Mode Termination

CMTS Cable Modem Termination System

CMYK Cyan Magenta Yellow blacK

CNA Cisco ® Networking Academies

CNID Calling Party Name Identification - IP Telephony

COBOL Common Business Oriented Language

CODEC Coder Decoder / COmpression / DECompression

COLP Connected Line Identification Presentation – GSM

COM Component Object Model

COM Commercial Business

COPS Common Open Policy Service

CORBA Common Object Request Broker

COREL COwpland REsearch Labs ®

COS Class Of Service

COSE Common Opened System Environment

CP Control Point – IBM Ò

CPC Collaborative Product Commerce

CPCS Common Part Convergence Sublayer

CPDM Collaborative Product Lifecycle Management

CPI Character Per Inch

CPI-C Common Programming Interface for Communication – IBM® SAA™

CP/M Control Program for Microcomputers

CPS Characters Per Second

CPU Central Processing Unit

CPXe Common Picture eXchange Environment

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check

CRDM Cross Domain Resource Manager

CRL Certificate Revocation List

CR-LDP Constrain-based Routing Label Distribution Protocol

CRM Customer Relationship Management

CRON Chronos - Unix

CRT Cathode Ray Tube

CS Carrier Selection

CS-ACELP Conjugate Structure Algebraic CELP

CSI Called Subscriber Identification

CSM Cabling System Manager

CSO Composite Second Order Beat

CSP Certificate Services Pages / Cryptography Service Provider

CSPDN Circuit-Switched Public Data Network

CS-PDU Convergence Sublayer Packet Data Unit

CS-SLIP Compressed Serial Link Internet Protocol

CSMA-CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance

CSMA-CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection

CSMA-CR Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Resolution

CSRP Customer Synchronized Resource Planning

CSS Cascading Style Sheet

CSTA Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications

CSU Channel Service Unit

CSV Common Service Verb

CT Clock Time

CTB Composite Triple Beat

CTD Cell Transfer Delay - ATM

CTI Computer Telephony Integration

CTL Certificate Trust List

CTS Clear To Send

CUG Closed User Group

CUT Control Unit Terminal – IBM Ò

CVSD Continuously Variable Slope Delta modulation

CXML Commerce Extensible Markup Language


DA Destination Address

DAC Digital to Analog Converter

DAC Dual-Attached Concentrator - FDDI

DACS Digital Access and Crossconnect System

DAEMON Disk And Execution MONitor - Unix

D-AMPS Digital - Advanced Mobile Phone Service/System

DAP Data Access Protocol

DAP Directory Access Protocol - X.500

DARD Dynamic Resource Allocation and Distribution

DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

DAS Dual Attachment Station - FFDI attachment

DASD Direct Access Storage Device

DASP Disk Anti Shock Protection System - Acer ®

DAT Digital Audio Tape

dB Decibel

DBCC Database Consistency Checker - Microsoft ®-SQL

DBF DBase File

DBML DataBase Markup Language

DBMS Data Base Management System

DCA Document Content Architecture - IBM ® / SNA - File System

DCA Data Communication Architecture

DCAP Data Link Switching Client Access Protocol

DCC Data Country Code - ATM

DCD Data Carrier Detect

DCE Data Communication Equipment

DCF Data Composition Facilities

DCOM Distributed Component Object Model

DDD Direct Distance Dialing

DDE Dynamic Data Exchange

DDI Direct Dial In

DDL Data Definition Language

DDP Datagram Delivery Protocol - AppleTalk ™

DDR Dial-on-Demand Routing – ISDN

DDR Double Data Rate - RAM - AMD ®


DDS Dataphone Digital Service - AT&T ®

DDS Digital Data Storage - Hewlett-Packard ®

DE Discard Eligibility

DEC Digital Equipment Corporation - Compaq Ò since 1999

DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications

DEK Data Encryption Key

DEN Directory Enabled Network

DEPS Departmental Entry-Processing System

DES Data Encryption Standard

DFB Distributed Feedback Laser Diode

DFC Data Flow Control

DFS Distributed Files Systems

DFT Distributed Functional Terminal – IBM Ò

DGTP Data Grade Twisted Pair

DHCF Distribution Host Command Facility

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DHTML Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language

DI Decoder Identication

DIA Document Interchange Architecture - IBM ®

DID Direct Inward Dial

DIFS Distributed Inter Frame Space

DIME Direct Internet Message Encapsulation

DIMM Dual In-line Memory Module

DIN Deutsche Industrie Norm connector

DIP Dial-Up Internet Protocol - Linux

DIS Digital Immune System - IBM ® / Symantec ®

DISC Disconnect

DISL Dynamic Inter Switch Link Protocol

DISOSS Distributed Office Support System - IBM ®

DIU Data Interface Unit

DIW D-Inside Wire


DLC Data Link Control

DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier

DLCMI Data Link Control Management Interface

DLE Data Link Escape

DLL Dynamic Link Library

DLSw Data-Link Switching - RFC 1434

DLT Digital Linear Tape

DLU Dependent Logical Unit - SNA / SSCP

DLUR / S Dependent LU Requester / Server.

DMA Direct Memory Access

DMD Digital Micro mirror Device

DMI Digital Multiplexed Interface - AT&T ®

DMP Data Movement Processor - Cisco ®

DMT Discrete Multi-Tone

DMTS Distributed Management Task Force

DMZ Demilitarized Zone

DN Distinguished Name - X.500

DNA Digital Network Architecture - DEC ®

DNA Distributed interNet Applications Architecture - / ISA Server 2000 - Microsoft ®

DNC Direct Numerical Control

DNIC Data Network Identification Code - CCITT

DNIS Dial Number Id Service

DNS Domain Name Server

DOD – ARPA Department of Defense's Advanced Research Project Agency

DOD Direct Outward Dial

DOM Document Object Model

DOR Dial Optimized Routing

DoS Denial of Services

DOS Disk Operating System

DPCM Differential Pulse-Code Modulation

DPI Dot Per Inch

DPLL Digital Phase-Locked Loop

DPNSS Digital Private Network Signaling System

DPOF Digital Print Order Format

DPMI DOS Protected Mode Interface

DPNSS Digital Private Network Signaling System

DPS D Channel Packet-Switched

DPSK Differential Phase Shift Keying

DQDB Distributed Queue Dual Bus - IEEE 802.6 - MAN

DR Disconnect Request

DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory

DRDA Distributed Relational Database Architecture - IBM ®

DRDRAM Direct Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory

DRM Digital Rights Management - Reciprocal ®

DS Direct Spreads - also called WCDMA

DSA Digital Signature Algorithm

DSA Directory System Agent - X.500

DSAP Destination Service Access Point - IEEE 802

DSD Direct Stream Digital - code used by SACD

DSE Data Switch Equipment

DSI Digital Speech Interpolation

DSIMM Dual Single Inline Memory Module

DSL Digital Subscriber Line

DSL Digital Subscriber Loop - AT&T ®

DSLIC Digital Subscriber Line Interface Circuit

DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiple

DSLIC Digital Subscriber Line Interface Circuit ®

DSN Data Source Name

DSN Delivery Status Notification

DSO Dynamic Shared Object - Unix

DSOM Distributed System Object Model - IBM ®

DSP Digital Signal Processor

DSPU Down Stream Physical Unit

DSR Data Set Ready

DSRS Data Signal Rate Selector

DSS Digital Signature Standard

DSS Directory and Security Services

DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Sequence

DSU Digital Service Unit

DSX Digital System Cross-Connect switch

DTAP Direct Transfer Application Part – GSM

DTD Document Type definition

DTE Data Terminal Equipment

DTM Dynamic Synchronous Transfer Mode - Net Insight ®

DTMF Dual Tone Multi Frequency

DTR Data Terminal Ready

DTS Digital Theater Surround - 1993

DTX Discontinuous Transmission - GSM

DUV Directory User Agent - X.500

DVB Digital Video Broadcasting

DVD Digital Video Disc

DVDR Digital Video Disc Recordable

DVI Digital Video Interface

DVM Data/Voice Multiplexer

DVMRP Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol

DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

DXI Data Exchange Interface


EAG Extensible Authentication Protocol

EAI Enterprise Applications Integration

EAN Electronic Article Numbering

EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol

EAP - MD5 Chap Extensible Authentication Protocol Message Digest 5 Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol.

EAP – TLS Extensible Authentication Protocol - Transport Level Security

EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

E-Bi E-Business Intelligence

ebXML Electronic Business XML

EC Echo Canceling

ECF Echo Frame

ECF Enhanced Connectivity Facilities – IBM Ò

ECH Echo Canceling Hybrid

ECM Entity Coordination Management

ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association

ECO Engineering Construction Operations

ECP Enhanced Capability Port

ECSD Enhanced Circuit Switched Data - GSM

ED End Delimiter

EDBFA Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers.

EDEL End Delimiter Field

EDGE Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution

EDI Electronic Data Interchange

EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange for Administration Commerce and Transport / or Trade

EDIMS Electronic Data Interchange Messaging System

EDO Extended Data Output

EDP Electronic Data Processing

EDSI Enhanced Devices Small Interface

EECS End to End Call Manager - Cisco ®

EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

E&M recEive and transMit /or Ear & Mouth

EFCI Explicit Forward Congestion Indication

EFI Extensible Firmware Interface - Intel ®

EFR Early life Failure Rate

EFR Enhanced Full Rate

EFT Electronic Funds Transfer

EFS Encrypting File System

EFT Electronic Funds Transfer

EGA Enhanced Graphics Array – IBM Ò

EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol

E-GPRS Enhanced General Packet Radio Service

E-GSM Extended Global System for Mobile

EHF Extremely High Frequency

EHLLAPI Enhanced High-Level Language Application Interface

EIA Electronic Industries Association

EIDE Enhanced Integrated Device Electronics

EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol

EIP Enterprise Information Portal

EIR Equipment Identity Register - GSM

EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power – GSM

EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture

EJB Enterprise Java Beans

EKTS Electronic Key Telephone Service

ELAN Education Language

ELAN Emulated LAN - ATM

ELFEX Equal Level Far End Crosstalk

ELM Elasticity Buffer and Link Management

E-MAIL Electronic Mail

EMD Equilibrium Node Distribution

EMI Electromagnetic Interference

EMM Expanded Memory Manager

EMP Electromagnetic Pulse

EMS Expanded Memory Specification

EN End Node - APPN PU2.1 - IBM ®

ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator

ENQ Enquiry

EOC Embedded Operations Channel

EOF End Of File

EOL End Of Line

EOM End Of Message - ATM

EON Enhanced Other Network

EOT End Of Transmission / End Of Text

EPD Early Packet Discard - ATM

EPIC Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing – Intel Ò

EPL ElectroPhotographic Laser

EPP Enhanced Parallel Port

EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

EQTV Extended-Quality Television

ER Explicit Rate - ATM

ERD Emergency Repair Disk

ERM Enterprise Relationship Management

ERMS Enhanced Rotary Mechanical Splices

ERP Effective Radiated Power - GSM

ERP Enterprise Resource Planning

ESAF Ethernet Sync Adapter with Filter

ESC Escape

ESCON Enterprise System Connection - IBM ®

ESD Electrostatic Discharge

ESDI Enhanced Small Device Interface


ESF Extended Superframe Format

ES-IS End System-to-Intermediate System - OSI

ESMTP Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

ESP Encapsulating Security Protocol

ESP Enhanced Serial Port

E-TCH Enhanced Traffic Channel - Edge - GSM

ETDMA Extended Time Division Multiple Access

ETL Extract - Transfer - Load

ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute

ETU Execution Unit

EXT External


FAI Functional Address Indicator


FAN Fabric Area Network -  I-Wear ™

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

FAS Frame Alignment Sequence - Telephony

FAT File Allocation Table

FBM Frame-Based Management

FC Fiber-Optic Connector

FC Frame Control

FCB File Control Block

FCC Federal Communications Commission

FC-PGA Flip Chip - Pin Grid Array – Intel Ò

FCS Frame Check Sequence

FD Flat Display

FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface

FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing

FDMA Frequency Division Multiplexing Access

FDPCM Flap Panel Display Measurement

FEC Fast Ethernet Channel - HP

FEC Forwarding Equivalence Class - MPLS

FEC Forward Error Correction - GSM

FECD Forward Explicit Congestion Notification

FECN Forward Explicit Congestion Notification

FEP Front End Processor

FER Frame Erasure Rate - GSM

FERF Far-End Receive Failure

FEXT Far End Crosstalk

FF Form Feed

FFT Final Form Text / Fast Fourrier Transform

FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum

FIB Forward Indicator Bit

FID Format Identification

FIFO First In First Out


FLOPS Floating-point Operations Per Second

FLT Full Line Terminal - Sonet

FM Frequency Modulation

FMP Functional MultiProcessing

FOIRL Fiber Optic Inter Repeater Link

FOMAU Fiber Optic Medium Attachment Unit


FOTS Fiber-Optic Transmission System

FMD Function Management Data

FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array

FPIP Fiber Channel over IP

FPLMTS Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunications Systems

FPS Fast Packet Switching

FPU Floating Point Unit

FPU Frame Processing Unit

FRAD Frame Relay Assembler Dissembler




FRMR Frame Reject

FRU Field Replaceable Unit

FSAA Full-Screen Anti Alisasing

FSB Front Side Bus – Intel Ò

FSI FDDI System Interface

FSK Frequency Shift Keying

FSMA Field-Installable Subminiature Assembly

FSP File Service Protocol

FSPF Fiber Shortest Path First - Brocade ®

FST/IP Fast-Sequenced Transport

FTAM File Transfer Access and Management

FTP File Transfer Protocol

FTPD File Transfer Protocol Daemon


FXO Foreign Exchange Office

FXS Foreign Exchange Station



G.733 / T1

Gb Gigabit

GB Giga Bytes

GDI Graphical Device Interface

GERAN GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network

GFC Generic Flow Control

GFI General Format Identifier

GGP Gateway-To-Gateway Protocol - ARPA / Dod

GHz Gigahertz

GIF Graphics Interchange Format

GKS Graphical Kernel System

GMII Gigabit Media Independent Interface

GMSC Gateway Mobile Services Switching Center

GMT Greenwich Mean Time

GNU GNU's Not Unix

.GOV Government

GPC Group Policy Container - Microsoft ®

GPO Group Policy Object - Microsoft ®

GPRS General Packet Radio Service

GQS Guaranteed Quality Service - IETF

GREP Global Regular Expression Print - Unix

GSM Global System for Mobile

GTLD General Top Level Domain

GTP GPRS Tunnel Protocol

GTS Generic Traffic Shaping - Multimedia and QoS

GUI Graphical User Interface

GUID Globally Unique Identifier




HAMR Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording

HBA Host Bus Adapter

HCL Hardware Compatibility List – Microsoft Ò

HD Hard Disk

HDB3 High-Density Bipolar coding

HDLC High Level Data Link Control

HDML Handheld Device Markup Language

HDSL High bit rate Data Subscriber Line

HDTV High-Definition Television

HEC Header Error Control

HERTZ / HZ Heinrich R. Hertz

HFC Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial Cable

HFS Hierarchical File System

HID Human Interface Devices - Microsoft ®

HIS Host Integrated Server ™ - Microsoft®

HLLAPI High-Level Language Application Programming Interface

HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Cod

HOC Highest Outgoing Channel

HON Health On the Net

HP Hewlett-Packard Ò

HPR High Performance Routing

HRC Hybrid Ring Control - FDDI

HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data - GSM

HSSI High Speed Serial Interface

HTML Hypertext Markup Language

HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTTP-R Hypertext Transfer Protocol-Reliable.

HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

Human Ear 40 Hz to 18000 Hz

Human Voice 50 Hz to 400 Hz

Hz Hertz


I2O Intelligent Input / Output

IAB Internet Activities Board

IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

IAPP Inter-Access Point Protocol

IARP Inverse Address Resolution Protocol

IBCN Integrated Broadband Communication Network

IBEX International Business EXchange

IBM International Business Machines Corporation Ò

ICA Intelligent Computing Architecture - Citrix ®

ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

ICE Information Content Exchange Protocol

ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol

ICP Internet Control Protocol

ICQ " I Seek You "

ICS Internet Connection Sharing

ID Identification

IDC Internet Data Connector

IDE Integrated Device Electronics / Integrated Drive Electronics

IDI Initial Domain Identifier - ISO Addressing

IDN Integrated Digital Network

IDP Internetwork Datagram Protocol

IDRP Interdomain Routing Protocol

IDS Intrusion Detection System

IDSL Integrated Services Digital Subscriber Line

IDU Interface Data Unit – ISO

IE Internet Explorer – Microsoft ®

IEC Interexchange Carrier

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IETF Internet Engineering Task Force

I-FRAME Information Frame

IFS Internet File System

IFTF Interframe Time Fill

IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol

IGP Interior Gateway Protocol

IGRP Interior Gateway Protocol

IHL Internet Header Length

IHV Independent Hardware Vendor

IKE Internet Key Exchange

IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol

IIS Internet Information Server

IISP Interim Interswitch Signaling Protocol - ATM

ILD Injection Laser Diode

IMA Inverse Multiplexing over ATM

IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol

IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity - GSM

IEMEISV International Mobile Equipment Identity Software Version - GSM

IMP Interface Message Processor - ARPA / Dod

IMR Interrupt Mask Register

IMS Information Management System

IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity - GSM

IMT-2000 International Mobile Telecommunications 2000

IN Integrated Node

IND$FILE IBM File Transfer program

INSP Internet Name Server Protocol

INTEL Integrated Electronics

INTERNET InterNetworking


I / O Input / Output

IP Internet Protocol

IPAA Intel ® Protected Address Architecture


IPCP Internet Protocol Control Packet

IPDS Intelligent Printer Data Stream - IBM ®

IPDU Internet Protocol Data Unit

IPES IP Exchange Systems - PBX Lucent ®

IPEX Internet Protocol Encapsulation of X.25

IPG Interpacket Gap

IPL Initial Program Load

IPM Interpersonal Messaging - X.400

IPNG Internet Protocol Next Generation

IPNNI Integrated Private Network-to-Network Interface

IPO Intelligent Planner Office

IPP Internet Printing Protocol

IPSec IPSec Internet Protocol Security

IPTC Internet Protocol Telephony Solution for Carriers – Ericsson Ò

IPX Internet Packet Exchange – Novell Ò

IR Infra Red

IRB Integrated Routing and Bridging

IRC Internet Relay Chat - Unix

IRDA Infrared Data Association

IRDB Intelligent Roaming Database

IRDP ICMP Router Discovery Protocol

IRL Inter-Repeater Links

IRQ Interrupt Service Request

ISA Industry Standard Architecture

ISA Internet Security and Acceleration / ISA 2000 - Microsoft ®

ISAM Indexed Sequential Access Method

ISAPI Internet Server Application Program Interface

IS-IS Intermediate System to Intermediate System

ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network

ISL Inter-Link Switching - Cisco ®

ISLU Integrated Services Line Unit - AT&T ®

ISO International Organization for Standardization

ISP Internet Service Provider

ISPF Interactive System Productivity Family – IBM Ò

ISS Internet Security System®

ISV Independent Software Vendor

IT Information Technology

ITSP Internet Telephony Service Provider

ITU International Telecommunications Union

ITV Interactive Television

IVR Interactive Voice Response

IWF InterWorking Function - GSM

I3A International Imaging Industry Association


J2EE Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition

J2P Jpeg 2000 file format

J2SE Java® 2 Specification Edition

JAAS Java Authentication and Authorization Services

JAIN Java Integrated Networks

JAVA Sun Microsystems Ò

JCL Job Control Language

JCP Java Community Process – Sun Ò

JCVM Java Card Virtual Machine – Sun Ò


JLCA Java Language Conversion Assistant

JNDI Java Native Directory Interface

JNI Java® Native Interface

JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group

JRMP Java Remote Method Protocol

JTAPI Java Telephony Application Program Interface

JTS Java Transaction Service

JUMP Java User Migration Path

JVM Java Virtual Machine

JXTA Juxtapose - SUN ®


KBPS Kilobits per second


KERMIT From Kermit after the Muppet show

KHz Kilo Hertz

KMA Kernel Memory Allocation

KSH Korn Shell


L2TP Layer-Two Tunneling Protocol


LAN Local Area Network

LANE Lane Emulator

LAP Link Access Protocol

LAPB Link Access Procedure Balanced

LAPD Link Access Procedure channel D

LAPF Link Access Procedure F - Frame Relay

LAT Local Address Table

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

LCN Logical Channel Number

LCP Link Control Protocol - PPP

LDP Label Distribution Protocol - MPLS

LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

LDIF LDAP Data Interchange Format

LEAP Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol - Cisco®

LEC Local Exchange Carrier

LED Light Emitting Diode

LEN Low-Entry Networking - IBM

LER Label Edge Router - MPLS

LGN Logical Group Number

LI Length Indicator - OSI

LIA Liaison Inter Autocommutateur

LIB Label Information Base

LIC Lowest Incoming Channel

LME Layer Management Entity

LINUX Linus Torvalds

LLC Logical Link Control

LLC2 Logical Link Control, type 2

LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution Service - Telecom

LMI Local Management Interface

LNB Low Noise Block Downconverter

LNM Lan Network Manager

LNMF Local Network Management Function

LPD Line Printer Daemon

LPT1: Line Printer Terminal 1

LPP Light-Weight Presentation Protocol

LQR Link Quality Report - PPP

LRC Longitudinal Redundancy Check

LRQ Location Request

LSA Link State Advertisements - Cisco ®

LSAP Link Service Access Point - OSI

LSB Least Significant Bit

LSE Local System Environment - OSI

LSI Large Scale Integration

LSL Link Support Layer

LSP Label Switching Path - MPLS

LSR Label Switch Router- MPLS

LSSU Link Status Signal Unit

LTO Linear Tape Open

LU Logical Unit – IBM Ò

LUN Logical Unit Number – SCSI

LZW Lempel-Ziv-Welch - File Compression


MAC Media Access Control

MAP Multi Access Portal – Vivendi / Vodaphone

MAPOS Multiple Access Protocol over SONET/SDH

MAN Metropolitan Area Network

MAU Media Attachment Unit or Multiple Access Unit

MB Mega Bytes

Mb Mega Bit

Mbps Mega Bits Per Second

MCA Micro Channel Architecture

MCH Memory Controller Hub – Intel Ò

MCM Multi Media Conference Manager – Cisco Ò

MCR Minimum Cell Rate

MCS Media Convergent Server – Cisco Ò

MCTD Mean Cell Transfer Delay

MD5 Message Digest 5

MDA Message Digest Algorithm

MDLP Mobile Data Link Protocol

MDSE Message Delivery Service Element

MDX Multi-Dimensional Expression - Microsoft ®




MESH Multi - WAIS Engine for Searching Commercial Host - Internet

MESFET Metal Extrinsic Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor

MF Multi Frequency

MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol – Cisco Ò

MIB Management Information Base

MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface

MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension

MIPS Millions of Instructions Per Second

MIS Mobile Information Server

MLBA Multi Node Load Balancing Architecture

MLP Multi Link Procedure

MNLB Multi Node Load Balancing

MNP Microcom Networking Protocol

MODEM Modulator / Demodulator

MOV QuickTime Movie

MM Multimode Optical Fiber

MMFS Manufacturing Message Format Standard - MAP

MMJ Modified Modular Jack

MMSM Main Memory System Management

MNCA Maximum Normalized Cable Attenuation

MOTIS Message-Oriented Text Interchange System - ISO

MPDS Mobile Packet Data Service

MPEG Motion Picture Expert Group

MPLS Multi Protocol Label Switching

MPP Message Posting Protocol

MPPP Message Point-to-Point Protocol

MPPP Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol

MPR Multi Protocol Router

MP3 MPEG1 Layer 3

MRSE Message Retrieval Service Element

MRTG Multi Router Traffic Grapher

MP3 MPEG1 Layer 3

MRCS Multi Rate Circuit Switching

MRTG Multi Router Traffic Grapher

MSB Most Significant Bit

MSC Mobile Services Switching Center

MS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating System

MSIN Mobile Subscriber Identification Number - GSM

MSISDN Mobile Subscriber ISDN Number - GSM

MSMQ Microsoft® Message Queue Server

MSN Monitoring Cell Sequence Number

MSN Multi line Subscriber Numbering

MSSE Message Security Service Element

MSU Message Signal Unit

MSVC Meta Signaling Virtual Channel

MTBF Mean Time Between Failures

MTA Mail Transfer Agent

MTL Message Transfer Layer

MTS Message Transfer Service

MTS Microsoft ® Transaction Server

MTU Maximum Transmission Unit

MUA Mail User Agents - Unix

MUX Multiplex or Multiplexer

MVS Multiple Virtual Storage – IBM Ò

MXM Mobile PCI Express Mobile


NAI Network Associates

NAK Negative Acknowledge

NAMP North American Numbering Plan

NAS Network Access Server – Microsoft Ò

NAS Network Attached Storage

NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation

NAT Network Address Translation

NAT-PT Network Address Translation- Protocol Translation

NAU Network Addressable Units – IBM Ò

NBAR Network Based Application Recognition – Cisco Ò

NBT Netbios Over TCP/IP

NCP Network Control Program – IBM Ò

NDIS Network Driver Interface Specification

NDS Novell Directory Services

NETBEUI Netbios Enhanced User Interface

NETBIOS Network Adapter Basic Input Output System

NFAR Network File Access Routine

NFAS No Frame Alignment Sequence - Telephony

NFS Network File System

NGN New Generation Network

NHDR Network Layer Header

NHRP Next Hop Resolution Protocol

NIC Network Interface Card

NimH Nickel Metal Hydride

NIS Network Information Service – Unix

NLDM Network Logical Data Manager

NMI Nonmaskable Interrupt

NMS Network Management System

NPDU Network Protocol Data Unit – OSI

NPI Numbering Plan Indicator

NPR Notice of  Proposed Rule-Making

NRM Normal Response Mode

NRZ Non-return to Zero

NRZI Non-return to Zero Inverted

NSA National Security Agency

NSAP Network Service Access Point - OSI

NSAPI Network Service Access Point Identifier - GPRS

NSDU Network Service Data Unit - OSI

NSP Network Services Protocol

NSS Novell ® Storage Services

NT New Technology - Microsoft ®

NT1, 2 Network Terminator, types 1 and 2 - ISDN

NTFS NT File System

NTLM NT LAN Manager authentication.

NTT Nippon Telegraph And Telephone

NTU Network Termination Unit

NUI Network User Identification - X.25 network

NVRAM Non Volatile Random Access Memory

NVT Network Virtual Terminal


OAIS Open Archival Information System

OCA Object Content Architecture - IBM ®

OCR Optical Character Recognition

OCX Object Linking and Embedding control

ODA Office Document Architecture - ISO

ODBC Open Database Connectivity

ODI Open Data-Link Interface

ODIF Office Document Interchange Format

ODR Operational Data Store

OEIC Opto-Electronic Integrated Circuit

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturers

OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

OH OverHead

OLAP Online Analytical Processing

OLE Object Linked Embedded

OLEBD Object Linked Embedded Database

OLED Organic Light Emitting Diodes

OLTP Online Transaction Processing

OLTS Optical Loss Test Sets

OMG Object Management Group

O-MSP Optical Multiplex Section Protection

OMT Object Modeling Technique

ONI Optical Network Interface

OPC Originating Point Code

OPT Open Packet Telephony

OPX Off-Premises Extension

ORB Object Request Broker

ORG Organization

OS Operating System

OSI Open Systems Interconnection

OSI-RM OSI Reference Model

OSI-TP OSI Transaction Processing

OSI/CS OSI Communication Subsystem

OSI/FS OSI File Services - IBM ®

OSIE OSI Environment - ISO

OSPF Open Shortest Path First

OSPM Operating System-Directed Power Management

OSR2 Operating System Release 2 – Microsoft Ò / Windows 95 Ô

OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectometer

OTFT Organic Thin Film Transistors

OTS OSI Transport Services

OU Organization Unit

OUTWATS Outgoing Wide-Area Telephone Service


P3P Platform for Privacy Preferences

PAD Packet Assembler-Disassembler

PAL Phase Alternate Line - TV

PAM Pulse Amplitude Modulation

PAN Personal Area Network

PAP Password Authentication Protocol - PPP

PAR Positive Acknowledgement + Retransmission

P/AR Peak-to-Average Ratio


PAT Port Address Translation

PBX / PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange

PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect or Interface

PCI Protocol Control Information - ISO

PCL Printer Control Language - Hewlett Packard

PCM Pulse Code Modulation

PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card Internation Association

PCN Path Control Network

PCR Peak Cell Rate

PCS Personal Communication System - GSM

PCS Polymer Clad Silica

PCS Private Certificate Services - Verisign ®

PCVS Point to Point Switched Virtual Connections

PCX PiCture eXchange

PDA Personal Digital Assistant

PDC Personal Digital Cellular

PDC Primary Domain Controller - Windows NTÔ

PDF Portable Document Format file / Package Definition Files

PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy - comment

PDN Public Data Network

PDP Packet Data Protocol - GPRS

PDT Printer Definition Tables

PDU Packet Data Unit

PDU Protocol Data Unit

PEAP Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol

PEC Primary Enterprise Controller

PEL Picture Element

PERL Practical Extraction and Report Language

PFM Pulse Frequency Modulation

PGI Parameter Group Identifier - ISO

PGP Pretty Good Privacy

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

PHY FDDI physical sub layer - designation for FDDI fiber-optic cables.

PIC Picture File

PIM Protocol Independent Multicast

PIN Personal Identification Number

PINFET PIN Photodiode/field Effect Transistor

PINE Program for Internet News and E-mail

PING Packet Internet Groper

PIXEL Picture Cell

PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standards

PKI Public Key Information

PLCP Physical Layer Convergence Procedure

PLM Product Lifecycle Management

PLMN Public Land Mobile Network

PLU Primary Logical Unit

PM Phase Modulation

PMD Physical Medium Dependent specification - FDDI

PMPO Pick Music Power Output

PMR Private Mobile Radio

PNG Portable Network Graphics

PPNI Private Network-to-Network Interface - ATM

PNP Plug And Play

PNP Private Numbering Plan

POP3 Post Office Protocol Version 3

POP Point of Presence / Post Office Protocol

POTS Plain Old Telephone Service

PPDU Presentation Protocol Data Unit

PPGA Plastic Grid Pin Array – Intel Ò

PPM Page(s) Per Minute

PPM Pulse Position Modulation

PPN Public Packet Network

PPP Pay Per View

PPP Point to Point Protocol

PPTP Point to Point Tunneling Protocol

PQA Palm Query Application

PRI Primary Rate Interface

PRM Product Relationship Management

PROFS Professional Office System

PROM Programmable Read Only Memory

PS Packet Switch

PS/2 Personal System / 2

PSC Primary Site Controller

PSDN Packet-Switched Data Network

PSN Packet Switch Node

PSPDN Packet Switched Public Data Network

PSTN Public Switched Telephone Networks

PTI Packet Type Indication

PTR Pointer Reverse

PU Physical Unit – IBM Ò

PU 2.1 Physical Unit 2.1 - IBM ®

PUK Personal Unblocking Code

PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit

PXE Pre-boot Execution Environment


QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

QBE Query By Example - Database

QBIC Query By Image Content - IBM ®

QIC Quarter Inch Cartridge

QLLC Qualified Logical Link Control

QNX Quick Unix ®

QOS Quality Of Service

QPSK Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying

QPSX Queue Packet and Synchronous Circuit Exchange



RA Registration Authority

RACF Resource Access Control Facility

RACH Random Access Channel - GSM

RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service

RAF Resource allocation frame

RAI Remote Alarm Indication, or Indicator

RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks

RAM Random Access Memory


RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol

RAS Remote Access Server

RAS Remote Access Service – Microsoft Ò

RBS Robbed-Bit Signaling

RC Release Candidate

RCP Real-Time Control Program

RD Receive Data

RDBMS Remote Data Base Management System

RDF Resource Denied Frame

RDF Resource Description Framework

RDNIS Redirected Dial Number Id Service

RDO Remote Data Objects. Microsoft®.

RDP Reliable Datagram Protocol

RDRAM Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory

RDS Radio Digital System

RDTD Restricted Differential Time Delay

RED Random Early Detection - Cisco ®

REJ Reject - a link protocol command

REL Release Message

REP Reply

RET Resolution Enhancement Technology - Hewlett-Packard ®

REV Reverse - calling

RF Radio Frequency

REXX Restructured Extended Executor

RFC Request For Comments

RFID Radio Frequency Identification

RFT Revisable Form Text - File System

RGB Red Green Blue

RI Ring In – Token-Ring

RI Ring Indicator

RI Routing Information

RIC Real Time Interface Co-processor - IBM Ò or RTIC

RIF Routing Information Field

RIFF Resource Interchange File Format - Microsoft ®

RIM Research In Motion

RIMM Rambus In-line Memory Modules

RIP Raster Image Processor - Microprocessor

RIP Routing Information Protocol

RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer

RJ-11 /12 / 45 Registered Jacks

RJE Remote Job Entry

RLE Run Length Encoded - File Compression

RLL / WLL Radio in the Local Loop / Wireless Local Loop

RLL Run Length Limited

RLOGIN Remote Login - Unix

RLP Radio Link Protocol

RLSD Receive Line Signal Detect

RM cells Rate Management cells - ATM

RMI Remote Method Invocation

RMON Remote Monitor

RMS Root Mean Square

RMT Ring Management

RNC Radio Network Controler

RNR Receive Not Ready

RO Ring Out – Token-Ring

ROM Read Only Memory

ROSE Remote Operations Services Element.


RPC Remote Procedure Call

RPE – LTP Regular Pulse Excitation-Long Term Prediction/Linear Predictive Coder

RR Receiver Ready

RR Round Robin

RRAS Routing and Remote Access Service

RSA Rivest, Shamir, Adleman

RSH Remote Shell - Unix

RSRB Remote Source Route Bridging – Cisco Ò

RSVP Resource reSerVation Protocol

RT Radiotext - RDS

RTC Real Time Clock

RTCP Real-Time Transport Control Protocol

RTF Rich Text Format

RTIC Real Time Interface Co-processor - IBM Ò

RTF Rich Text Format

RTM Response Time Monitor

RTMP Routing Table Maintenance Protocol

RTP Real Time Protocol - RFC 1889

RTPM Real Time Performance Monitor

RTS Request To Send

RTSP Real-Time Streaming Protocol

RTT Radio Transmission Technology

RTT Round Trip Table

RU Request Unit – IBM Ò

RX Receive


SA Source Address

SAA Systems Application Architecture – IBM Ò

SABM Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode

SABME Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended

SACD Super Audio CD - Philips ®, Sony ®

SACL System Access Control List

SAM Security Access Manager – Windows Ô

SAM Sequential Access Method

SAM System Activity Monitor - Unix

SAN Storage Area Network

SANS Institute System Administration Networking and Security ®

SAP Service Access Point – IBM Ò

SAP Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing

Systeme und Anwendungs Programme in der Datenverarbeitung

SAPI Service Access Point Identifier

SAR Segmentation and Reassembly

SARM Set Asynchronous Response Mode

SASE Specific Application Service Element - OSI

SAX Simple API for XML

SChannel Secure Channel.

SCL Soap Contract Language - Microsoft ®

SCM Supply Chain Management

SCO The Santa Cruz Operation Ò

SCP Service Control Point

SCSI Small Computer Standard Interface

SDCD Secondary Data Carrier Detect

SDCCH Stand Alone Dedicated Control Channel - GSMSDDI Shielded Distributed Data Interface - FDDI

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

SDK Software Development Kit - Microsoft ®

SDL Specification and Description Language

SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control

SDMA Spatial Division Multiple Access - GSM

SDMI Secure Digital Music Interactive

SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory

SDSL Symmetric Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line

SDSU SMDS Data Service Unit

SDU Service Data Unit – OSI

SDV Segment Delay Value

SECAM Sequential a Memoire - French color TV Standard

SEP Scalable Encryption Processing

SEQ Sequence

SET Secure Electronic Transaction

SFH Slow Frequency Hopping - GSM

SFT System Fault Tolerance

SFTP Shielded Foil Twisted Pair - cable

SG Signal Ground - Modem

SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language

SGMP Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol - RFC 1028. Evolved into SNMP

SH Bourne Shell

SHA Secure Hash Algorithm

SI Secondary In

SID Security Identifier – Microsoft Ò

SID Signaling Identifier

SIFS Short Inter Frame Space

SIM Subscriber Identify Module

SIMD Simple Instruction Multiple Data – Intel Ò

SIMM Single In-line Memory Module

SITA Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques

SL Section Layer - Sonet

SLA Service Level Agreement

SLARP Cisco Serial Line Address Resolution Protocol

SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol

SLM Service Level Management

SLOC Source Lines of Code / Software Lines of Codes

SLR Scalable Linear Tape - Tandberg Data®

SLU Secondary Logical Unit

SMB Server Message Block

SMC Sleep Mode Connection

SMDI Simple Message Desk Interface – Cisco Ò

SMDS Switched Multimegabit Data Service

SMF Single-Mode Fiber - FDDI networks

SMF-PMD Single Mode Fiber-Physical Medium Dependent

SMH Signal Message Handling

SMI Structure of Management Information. RFC 1155

SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language

S/MIME Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension

SMIT System Management Interface Tool - Unix

SML Service Management Layer

SMP Symmetric Multiprocessing - Microsoft ®

SMS Short Message Services

SMS Systems Management Server – Microsoft Ò

SMT Station Management

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SN Subscriber Number

SNA System Network Architecture – IBM Ò

SNADS SNA Distribution Services

SNAP Sub Network Access Protocol

SNDCP Subnet Dependent Convergence Protocol - ISO

SNI SNA Network Interconnection

SNIC Subscriber Network Interface Circuit

SNICP Subnet Independent Convergence Protocol - ISO

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

SNPA Subnetwork Point of Attachment

SNPP Simple Network Paging Protocol - RFC 1861

SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol - RFC 2030

SO Secondary Out

SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol

SOH Start Of Header

SOH Section Overhead

SOHO Small Office-Home Office

SOI Silicon On Insulator – IBM Ò

SOM Start Of Message

SONET Synchronous Optical Networks

SPARC Scalable Processor Architecture Reduced instruction set Computer – Sun Ò

SPDU Session Protocol Data Unit

SPE Synchronous Payload Envelope - Sonet

SPH Steps Per Hour

SPID Service Protocol Identifier

S/PDIF Sony ® Philips ® Digital Interface

SPP Standard Parallel Port

SPX Sequenced Packet Exchange

SQL System Query Language

SQR Structured Query Report Writer

SR Source Routing

SRAM Static Random Access Memory or static RAM

SREJ Selective Reject

SRF Status Report Frame

SRM Services Relationship Management

SRPI Server Requester Programming Interface – IBM Ò

SRT Source Routing Transparent

SRTB Source Routing Transparent Bridge

SRTS Synchronous Residual Time Stamp

SRTS Secondary Request To Send

SS7 Signaling System Number 7

SSAP Session Service Access Poin

SSB Single Sideband

SSCP System Services Control Point – IBM Ò

SSFDC Solid State Floppy Disk Card - See Memory Card

SSH Secure Shell

SSI Server-Side Include

SSID Service Set Identifier - GPRS

SSL Secure Socket Layer

SSP Security Support Provider

SSP System Query Language Server Standard – Microsoft Ò

SSP Storage Service Providers

SSPI Security Service Provider Interface

SSRT Subsecond Response Time

ST Spanning Tree

STE Spanning Tree Explorer

STM Synchronous Transport Module

STP Shielded Twisted Pair - cable

STP Spanning Tree Protocol

STS Synchronous Transport Signal - Sonet

STSPP Synchronous Transport Signal Payload Pointer - Sonet

SU Subscriber Unit

SVC Switched Virtual Circuit

SVG Scalable Vector Graphics

SVGA Super Video Graphics Array


SYSOP System Operator

SYSPREP System Preparation Tool

SWAP Superior Wireless Applications - Tivoli ® - RS/600 Supervision

SWIFT Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications


TA Traffic-Announcement RDS

TAC Technical Assistance Center - Cisco ®

TAD Technical Audio Device

TAPI Telephony Application Program Interface

TB Terra Bytes

TBW Thermo Balanced Writing - Philips ®

TC Transmission Control

TCA Target Channel Adapter

TCO Total Cost of Ownership

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

TD Transmitted Data

TDC Tabular Data Control

TDD Time Division Duplex - TDMA

TDM Time Division Multiplexing

TDMA Time Division Multiple Access

TDMA / Edge Time Division Multiple Access / Enhanced Data Gsm Environment

TDR Time Domain Reflectometer

TEI Terminal Endpoint Identifier

TELNET Telecommunications Network Protocol

TETRA Terrestrial Trunked Radio - ™

TEFLOPS Tera Floating-point Operations Per Second

TFT Thin Film Transistor

TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol

TGP Thumbnail Gallery Post

TH Transmission Header

TI Texas Instruments ®

TIC Token-Ring Interface Coupler

TIFF Tagged Image File Format – Aldus Ò

TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol

TLD Top Level Domain

TLS Transport Level Security

TOS Type Of  Service

TP Transport Protocol - ISO

TP Traffic-Program Identication RDS

TPF Transaction Processing Facility - IBM ®

TPON Telephony Passive Optical Network

TR Token-Ring

TRANSCEIVER Transmitter-receiver

TRAU Transcoder / Rate Adaptor Unit - GSM

TRID OLE Transaction Identifier

TSAP Transport Service Access Point

TSAPI Telephony Services Api

TSB Transport Service Bridge

TSDU Transport Service Data Unit

TSP Telephony Application Program Interface Service Provider

TSQL Transact SQL

TSR Terminate and Stay Resident

TSSI Time Slot Sequence Integrity

TST Transparent Spanning Tree

.TTF True Type Font

TTL Time To Live

TTL Transistor -Transistor Logic

TTY Teletype

TUI Telephony User Interface

TUP Telephone User Part

TWAIN Technology Without An Interesting Format

TWB Thermo Balanced Writing

TX Transit Exchange


UA Unnumbered Acknowledgement

UAE User Agent Entity

UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter

UBL Universal Business Language

UBR Unspecified Bit Rate - ATM

UCS Universal Character Set

UDA Universal Data Access

UDB Universal Database

UDDI Universal Description Discovery and Integration

UDF Universal Disk Format

UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration

UDI Unrestricted Digital Information - GSM

UDLR Unidirectional Link Routine

UDMA Ultra Direct Memory Access

UDP User Datagram Protocol

UHF Ultra-High Frequency

UI User Interface

UI Unnumbered Information – UNIX

UID User Identification

UIML User Interface Markup Language

UIO Universal I/O serial port - Cisco ®

UML Unified Modeling Language

UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems

UNA Upstream Neighbor Address

UNC Universal Naming Convention

UNI User Network Interface

UNIX Uniplex Information and Computer Services

UONE Unified Open Network Exchange – Cisco Ò

UPnP Universal Plug and Play

UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply

URI Uniform Resource Identifier - RFC 1630

URL Uniform Resource Locators

URN Uniform Resource Name - RFC 1737

USART Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter

USB Universal Serial Bus

USCW Uncacheable Speculative Write Combining

USPARC Ultra Scalable Processor Architecture Reduced instruction set Computer

USB Universal Serial Bus

USCW Uncacheable Speculative Write Combining

USOC Universal Service Order Codes

USPARC Ultra Scalable Processor Architecture Reduced instruction set Computer

UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair - cable

UTRA UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access. The ETSI term for WCDMA.

UUCP UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program


V.24 24 Pins serial connector

VAN Vehicle Area Network

VAP Value Added Providers

VAR Value Added Reseller

VAX Virtual Access Extended

VB Visual Basic

VC Virtual Circuit

VCA Voltage Controlled Amplifier

VCC Virtual Channel Connection

VCI Virtual Circuit Identifier

VDM Virtual Device Metafile

VDSL Very High Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line

VESA Video Electronics Standards Association

VF Voice Frequency

VGA Video Graphics Array – IBM Ò

VHDCI Very High Density Cable Interconnect

VHF Very High Frequency

VIC Voice Interface Card

VINES Virtual Network System - Banyan ®

VISP Virtual Internet Service Providers

VJS Visual Javascript

VLAN Virtual Lan Area Network

VLM Virtual Loadable Module - Novell ®

VLSI Very Large Scale Integration

VLSM Variable Length Subnet Mask - Cisco ®

VM / CMS Virtual Machine / Conversational Monitor System – IBM Ò

VML Vector Markup Language

VMPS VLAN Membership Policy Server

VMS Virtual Machine / Storage - Os DEC for Vax machines

VOFR Voice Over Frame Relay

VOIC Voice Interface Card

VOIP Voice Over IP

VOM Volt-Ohm-Meter

VP Virtual Path – ATM

VoXML Voice over XML

VPC Virtual Path Connection - ATM

VPCI Virtual Path Connection Identifier - ATM

VPI Virtual Path / Packet Identifier

VPN Virtual Private Network

VQP VLAN Queuing Protocol

VRAM Volatile Random Access Memory

VRC Vertical Redundancy Check

VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language

VRMP Voyager Remote Method Protocol

VSAM Virtual Storage Access Method

VSAT Very Small Aperture - Satellite - Terminal

VSELP Vector Sum Excited Linear Prediction

VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Radio

VTAM Virtual Telecommunications Access Method – IBM Ò

VTOA Voice and Telephony Over ATM

VTN Virtual Telephony Network

VTP VLAN Trunk Protocol

VTSP Voice Telephony Service Provider


WAE Wireless Application Environment

WAM Web Application Manager

WAN Wide Area Network

WAP Wireless Application Protocol

WAPI WLAN Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure

WAS Web Attached Storage

WATS Wide Area Telephone Service

WAV Waveform sound - Microsoft

WCCP Web Cache Control Protocol - Cisco ®

WCDMA Wireless Code Division Multiple Access

WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access

WCM Web Content Management

WDMA Wideband

WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexer

WDM Win32 Driver Model - Microsoft ®

WDP Wireless Datagram Protocol

WDS Wireless Delivery Servers


WebDAV Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning

WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy

WFQ Weighted Fair Queuing – Cisco Ò

WINS Windows Internet Name Service

WIN WAP Identication Module

Windows Ò ME Windows Millenium Edition ®

WinInet Windows Internet

WINS Windows Internet Name Service

Winsock Windows Sockets

WMF Windows Metafile

WLAN Wireless Local Area Network

WML Wireless Markup Language

WORM Write Once Read Many

WOSA Windows Open System Architecture

WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access

WPAD Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol

WRED Weighted Random Early Detection

WRR Weighted Round Robin – Cisco Ò

WSA Web Service Architecture

WSDL Web Services Description Language

WSH Windows Scripting Host

WSL Wireless Markup Language

WSS Wireless Synchronization Servers

WTLS Wireless Transport Layer Security

WTS Wireless Transport Security

WWN World Wide Name

WWRE World Wide Retail Exchange

WWW World Wide Web

W3C World Wide Web Consortium

WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get


XAML Extensible Authority Markup Language - IBM ® / HP ® / Oracle ® / SUN ® / ®

XDR XML Data Reduced ®

XGA Extended Graphics Array – IBM Ò

XHTML eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language

XID Exchange Identification – IBM Ò

XKMS XML Key Management Specification

XLink XML Linking Language

XMCL Extensible Media Commerce Language - RealNetworks ®

XMCP X Display Manager Control Protocol

XML Extensible Markup Language

XMS Extended Memory Specification

XNS Xerox Ò Network Services

X-OFF Exchange OFF - Modem

X-ON Exchange ON - Modem

XOR Exclusive OR

XOT X.25 Over TCP-IP - RFC 1613

XP XML Protocol

XRML Extensible Rights Markup Language - Microsoft ®

XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language

XSLT XML Stylesheet Language Transformation

XSVCD Extended Super Video CD

XVCD Extended Video CD

XTP Express Transport Protocol

XUL eXtensible User Interface Language


Y-Modem Error-free file transfer protocol that can be used on error-corrected links and to transfer multiple files with a single command

YP Yellow Pages


ZBTSI Zero Byte Time Slot Interchange

ZIP Zone Information Protocol

Z-Modem Error free file transfer protocol that supports multiple file transfers, plus many other advanced features.

mercoledì, novembre 29, 2006

Opera mini


Ho appena installato OperaMini, e sono rimasto veramente stupito per la semplicità con cui è avvenuta tutta l'operazione.

Sulle prime si rimane un pò perplessi perchè, per avviare il download, viene richiesto il numero telefonico... ma superato questo imbarazzo iniziale, tutto il resto si à svolto con una precisione ed eleganza veramente encomiabili.

Inserito il numero di cellulare si riceve immediatamente un SMS ed è possibile procedere al download - si passa per una pagina dedicata alla scelta del modello di cellulare in uso, poi è possibile scegliere la lingua del programma - esiste l'italiano, evviva! - infine si scaricano 2 files di installazione.

Personalmente ho scaricato i files via PC, e poi li ho trasferiti via USB.

Terminata l'installazione sul cellulare il programma chiede di premere alcuni tasti a caso per generare una chiave, testa la connessione e via... sul mio telefonino è andato tutto liscio, nonostante le precedenti esperienze negative, e mi sono trovato online senza alcuno sforzo.

Che dire... la velocità - per il normale browsing - è OK - (la mia è una connessione GPRS) - e le pagine vengono rese veramente bene, vedi l'esempio sottostante.

Veramente un ottimo software! su cellulare NOKIA 6670

Il sito sul browser del PC

















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Un pò di humor...





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martedì, novembre 28, 2006

La mitica pagina 404

La 404 è la pagina che viene presentata quando in un sito viene richiesta una risorsa che non esiste: prima o poi capita sempre di finire nella pagina 404 di un sito - vuoi perchè abbiamo seguito un vecchio link, oppure perchè abbiamo digitato l'indirizzo a mano - sbagliandolo! - oppure per un errore del webmaster.

Ci sono molti modi di affrontare il problema, si va da due estremità:

  1. si tenta di nascondere il problema,  ridirigendo il visitatore alla home page oppure a qualche pagina a cui il sito tiene particolarmente - IMHO non una grande idea, si confondono le idee al visitatore, come minimo;
  2. si può non fare nulla: ma in questo caso il server presenterà il suo messaggio standar di errore - e questo non sarà nè elegante nè di nessun aiuto al visitatore.

Vediamo qualche esempio:

  1. non facendo nulla si otterrà - a seconda dle server - un messaggio più o meno di questo tipo come su
    Errore standard 
    la pagina non comunica informazioni utili per il visitatore, la grafica è pessima - ed anzi vengono date notizie circa il sofware del server ed i moduli caricati sul server che ad esser pignoli da un punto di vista della sicurezza sarebbe meglio occultare;
  2. Altre volte il webmaster od il grafico ci mettono lo zampino, e già va meglio, come su BitTorrent:
    404 più gradevole 
    la pagina è grosso modo gradevole e la grafica rimanda al tema del sito, ma viene offerta  soltanto la  scelta fra ritornare indietro o andare alla home page;
  3. La pagina migliore - secondo me - e' questa di Red Hat:

    in questo caso si dà conto dell'errore, c'è un generico messaggio di cortesia, ed i link per l'area di ricerca, l'home page, ed una sintetica mappa del sito - anzi, dimenticavo: anche un link alla pagina di login ed alla pagina "Careers at Red Hat" - Più di così!


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D'improvviso gli accessi...

Le statistiche di questo blog hanno un andamento molto lineare, che pò essere ben sintetizzato nell'espressione "encefalogramma piatto".

Ieri invece, d'improvviso, si sono verificati una quantità di accessi del tutto imprevedibile, tanto che sono andato a verificare fra le statistiche perchè temevo che la causa fosse qualcosa nel mio computer - che so, una sorta di virus - a creare accessi ripetuti.

Invece, come si può vedere dalla sottostante immagine, tutto regolare, non sono accessi dalla mia utenza...  Rimane quindi il mistero: perchè improvvisamente tutti quegli accessi da mezzo mondo, e per di più sulla versione italiana del sito? Quale strana congiunzione astrale avrà portato quei navigatori proprio lì?

Misteri internettiani....


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Unbelievable: got accesses...

Statistics of this blog are very easy to summarize: no access at all!

.But yesterday instead, surprise,, surprise… I got an a lot of accesses - absolutely unexpected.

I verified the blog’s statistics why I feared that the cause was something wrong in my computer – you know, some kind of virus – who was creating a lot of fake accesses.

Instead, (see image below) no problem, they were real accesses...

It remains therefore the mystery: why without apparently no reason at all, I got all these accesses from various areas of the world, and for the Italian version of the blog? Which strange astral conjunction will have carried those navigators my pages?

Easy: another Internet mystery....

Googe analytics stats



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lunedì, novembre 27, 2006

Malicious search...

Sometimes a malicious search on a search site gets real strange results... in Italian the name and the surname of this guy are really non quite polite words: probably a fake? 




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Ricerche goliardiche...

 A volte una ricerca goliardica su un sito peraltro serissimo può realmete dare risultati - per la nostra lingua - sorprendenti... voglio comunque pensare che sia un fake!




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Porte,Porteee - (TCP-IP)

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